Update : Version 1.70-1 released ! Crack is out !!

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Download 1.70-1 Cracked : Official
ScreenDimmer allows you to save battery life by automatically dimming your device's screen after a pre-defined time; or if you wish by turning the backlight off.

Most users suffer unnecessary battery drain while having their iPhone not on standby. Setting auto-lock to a short time makes it better, but is an inconvenience
most of the time due to permanent locking and unlocking while waiting for something.

ScreenDimmer is the solution for this problem: Save battery life by reducing the backlight to a minimum if the device hasn't been used for a pre-defined time and
reduce the waste of the most energy consuming component, the backlight, of the iPhone or iPod.

Posted Image

* Longer battery life
* Can turn the display's backlight off
* Dims the screen after a user defined time
* Doesn't dim the screen if the battery is being charged
* Doesn't dim if an app needs the screen (navigagtion software, video players, …)
* Ability to exclude apps from dimming
* Configuration interface in the Settings app

Update : Version 1.70-1 released ! Crack is out !!



Download 1.70-1 Cracked : Official

ScreenDimmer allows you to save battery life by automatically dimming your device's screen after a pre-defined time; or if you wish by turning the backlight off.

Most users suffer unnecessary battery drain while having their iPhone not on standby. Setting auto-lock to a short time makes it better, but is an inconvenience
most of the time due to permanent locking and unlocking while waiting for something.

ScreenDimmer is the solution for this problem: Save battery life by reducing the backlight to a minimum if the device hasn't been used for a pre-defined time and
reduce the waste of the most energy consuming component, the backlight, of the iPhone or iPod.

Posted Image


* Longer battery life
* Can turn the display's backlight off
* Dims the screen after a user defined time
* Doesn't dim the screen if the battery is being charged
* Doesn't dim if an app needs the screen (navigagtion software, video players, …)
* Ability to exclude apps from dimming
* Configuration interface in the Settings app