Update : Version 3.6-1 released ! Keygen is out !!

v 3.6-1

INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS (read carefully!):
- Download the patched DEB from the following link and install it on your device
- Respring your device
- Open QuickDo application (should be on your springboard)
- Tap on "Activate", so you'll know your QuickDo ID
- Open the keygen link
- Select "QuickDo 3.x (for iPhone)"
- Copy QuickDo ID into the keygen (it should be 10 characters long with numbers and letters from A to F, beware it's CASE SENSITIVE!)
- Copy the generated Serial Number into QuickDo application
- Tap on "Activate" button on the top-right corner
- Now your device should automaticcally respring and the app should be activated


QuickDo is virtual Home and Power buttons for the iPhone and iPod touch.By making use of the trigger function,QuickDo will help you operate iPhone and Touch easily,like exit a app,reboot or power off,mute or hang up the incoming call,etc.In addition, QuickDo now lets you define sliding short-cuts to quickly unlock your device and immediately launch your favorite apps.It's surely worth a shot!

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Official website: http://www.clezz.com
Official repo: http://cydia.clezz.com

Main Functions :

* Virtual "Home" button,exit app,lock the device and iPod everytime.
* Power button,respring,reboot and power off.
* Multi-task manage,close or switch background app.
* One click to close all running app.
* App shortcuts,quickly open your favorite app.
* Mute or hang up the incoming call.